Selected Essays

Children, War, and The Forgotten Ground of Healing

This essay deals with ways to focus on the strengths and gifts of communities, and especially children, in war and other adversity. It comes out of the many years that I worked in the field of child health and rights. Abstract: The paper examines ideas about the impact of suffering on childhood, and places trauma…

Jesus of Guadalajara

During the ten years that I worked with Street Kids International, I met a lot of cool, big hearted people working in the field around the world. This is a portrait of one of the best: Rogelio Padilla.   Our flight to Guadalajara arrives an hour late. Before we can clear customs we must play…

A Conversation with Northrop Frye about William Morris

Interested in Frye, author of The Great Code? Ever heard of Morris, the English arts and crafts radical of the late 19th century? William Morris was a multi-disciplinary designer, poet, social activist, translator of ancient Icelandic sagas, and a central member of the Pre-Raphaelites. Dante Gabriel Rossetti (12 May 1828 – 9 April 1882) was…

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